Thursday, February 13, 2014


I've loved writing since at least the third grade.  I've started journals before, but I only make it a fraction of the way in before the journal gets misplaced- only to be found years later.

Truth is, I love a lot of things.

  • I'm a mom, and I love my boys.  I love spending time with them and encouraging their love for learning.  
  • I'm kind of a nerd- which is great.  I love Doctor Who. ♥♥ There are several other bits to this, but I'll save them. 
  • I am very into things that receive a lot of criticism.  Reiki, Chakras, Essential Oils, the list goes on.  I understand why it gets a lot of criticism, but the more I learn the more it all makes sense.  I'm finding it very hard not to go off on tangents here.  So far so good.
  • I love making my own things.  Partly because it ties in with things above, partly because it's healthier.  Bonus: it saves money.  
  • I love saving money.  You should see how proud I am of myself when my receipt tells me I spent $104, but I saved $357.  <--- Based on a true story.
  • I love creating and crafts.  I go through fazes.  Crocheting, stamping, jewelry, again, the list goes on.
  • I love the idea of making the world a better place by people being better versions of themselves.  I have started something I'm calling The Positivity Project.
  • I actually love a ton of things, including but not limited to: bubbles, outside, learning, traveling, writing in purple pens, museums, entertaining, books, laughing, elephants, designing and DIY, religions and spirituality, outer space, quotes- well if you follow me you will see.
I started collecting these things on Pinterest. One day I saw I had over 400 followers.  I wasn't even trying.  Today I hit 4,700- people like things that I like, and I'm not even talking to them.  What if I shared more complete thoughts than just a picture at a time?

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